“Kiss and Tell: John Travolta’s Memorable Oscar Mishap with Scarlett Johansson Sparks Social Media Laughter”

Despite Neil Patrick Harris serving as the host, John Travolta managed to steal the spotlight even before the Academy Awards ceremony began on Sunday night. The actor, known for his blunder with Idina Menzel’s name at the previous year’s Oscars, created a buzz on social media by surprising Scarlett Johansson on the red carpet. Sneaking up on her from behind, Travolta planted a kiss on her cheek and placed his hand around her waist. The unexpected gesture and Johansson’s amused response were captured in a photo that quickly went viral. And just like that, a memorable moment was born.

Surprise move: John Travolta, known for his slip-up with Idina Menzel’s name at the previous Oscars, caused a stir on social media yet again by sneaking up on Scarlett Johansson on the red carpet.

Following Travolta’s viral kiss moment, a plethora of memes have surfaced on the internet. These memes feature the likes of Kanye West, the Statue of Liberty, and even Travolta kissing a version of himself dressed as Edna Turnblad from Hairspray. World leaders such as Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin also make appearances in these humorous creations.

However, the affectionate Joe Biden doesn’t miss out on the action and joins Travolta and Scarlett Johansson in the meme frenzy. Despite the saying “three’s a crowd,” Biden inserts himself into the mix with gusto.

Travolta’s spotlight only grew brighter when he shared the stage with Menzel, whom he infamously mispronounced as ‘Adele Dazeem’ the previous year. During their reunion, Travolta couldn’t resist gently touching her face, a move that didn’t go unnoticed by the public. In response to the attention, Travolta later jokingly remarked, “Apparently I played with her chin too much.”

Getting down on the dance floor: Travolta shows off his moves alongside his character Edna Turnblad in the film Hairspray.

Come on, give us a smooch! Travolta leans in for a kiss and playfully hugs the Statue of Liberty.

What’s the deal with saying “three’s a crowd”? The famously warm Vice President Joe Biden joins in on the fun

Kim Jong Un is not pleased: A 61-year-old actress surprises the North Korean leader with a kiss in this viral meme.

Is the figure on my shoulder a tiny version of John Travolta or a massive version of Vladimir Putin?

The kiss in Times Square on V-J Day is one of America’s most famous moments, that is, until Travolta made his mark.

Move over Uma Thurman, John Travolta has found a new dance companion in town as he swaps his iconic Pulp Fiction partner.

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