“Kim Kardashian’s Hair Fib Exposed: Fans Uncover the Truth About Her ‘Natural’ Look”

Online critics are accusing Kim Kardashian of lying in a recent social media post about her natural hair. The pictures were shared on her sister Kourtney Kardashian’s brand, Poosh’s Instagram account.

Poosh, a brand affiliated with Kim Kardashian, recently posted three photographs of the reality star in a cream-colored stone stairwell. The pictures showcase Kim’s natural hair growth, wearing a tight light gray bralette and a cream-colored knit skirt that perfectly matches her surroundings. However, critics on Reddit and Instagram’s comment section accused Kim of wearing a wig and pointed out the damage bleach has done to her hair. Despite the controversy, Poosh used the photos to promote an all-natural ingredient for hair growth and provided a link for followers to learn more about it. In other news, Kim expressed her excitement about working on a special project with a Japanese architect, describing it as “deeply honored and incredibly humbled.”

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