Denied: Applicant attributes rejection to distinctive body art.

Kathy-Rose Bullen, a woman heavily tattooed, took to social media to vent her frustrations about being rejected from a job in law enforcement due to her appearance. Seeking solidarity from her online followers, she received a range of responses, with many pointing fingers at the police force for their discriminatory decisions.

Kathy Bullen claims she was rejected from the police force because of her appearance

Kathy Bullen claims she was rejected from the police force because of her appearance

Kathy Bullen, a tattooed woman with aspirations of joining the police force, claims that she was denied the opportunity based on her distinctive appearance.

The aspiring cop divided the internet with her claims, with some users slamming the police force for 'discrimination'

The aspiring police officer sparked some controversy online with her remarks, with some individuals pointing out issues of discrimination within law enforcement. Ms. Bullen confidently displays colorful sleeve tattoos on both of her arms, showcasing well-known Pokemon characters like Pikachu and Charmander on one arm, and beloved Disney princesses Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty on the other. In addition, she has a distinct chest tattoo of a pixelated heart with two guns pointed at it. Her tattoos continue down to her fingertips and encompass both of her legs, leaving only her knees and feet untouched.

The tattoos spread all the way to her fingers and also has both legs inked, with only her knees and feet bare

With tattoos adorned on her fingers and legs, only her knees and feet remain untouched by ink. A discussion arose when Ms. Bullen recounted her rejection from a police force position due to her tattoos. Some viewed this as discriminatory, while others believed that certain professions have appearance standards to uphold. In Australia, different states have diverse regulations concerning tattoos for police officers, some permitting them as long as they are non-offensive and concealed during duty. The topic of tattoos in law enforcement continues to be a contentious subject that demands contemplation and debate.

Tattooed applicants in Victoria will have their body art assessed on a case to case basis if they are on the face, neck and hands (stock image)

Victoria is open to considering applicants with tattoos on visible areas such as the face, neck, and hands on an individual basis.

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